Neurodiversity | ADHD | AuDHD | Autism

In Person Treatment  in Austin, TX
Telehealth Therapy in Texas


I am not an expert in Autism, but have spend the last few years learning everything I can about it. Especially the evolving definition of what it means to be Autistic, especially High Masking Autism in Adults. In hindsight, I have worked with High Masking Autistics, Women with ADHD, and Adults AuDHD my whole career. The language for it is just more accessible now.

I am deeply neuro-affirming. I can guide you through screeners to help determine if you may be Autistic. This is not formal testing and thus not formal diagnostics for documentation and accommodation purposes.

  • But I can offer credible information to rule out Autism or assess if Autism is highly likely.
  • This may be enough to help make sense of your life.
  • This can help select strategies that more specifically support you through your challenges.
  • It also helps identify your strengths- as each “Neurospice” has it’s own profile of strengths and challenges.
  • It may help you decide if it is worth it to you to invest in formal psych testing through a neuro-affirming psychologist- of which I can refer you out to if you wish.
  • If you are self diagnosed from the information on the internet and want help to make sense of it and feel validated.
  • Sub clinical Autism- meaning you relate to Autistics in many ways but don’t meet diagnostic criteria, you may still greatly benefit from understanding your own brain more and learning strategies to navigate life with more ease.

My passion for neurodiversity includes my own meandering journey on the topic. I started learning about my clients’ ADHD and Autism from the outside looking in, a bit baffled that I don’t see much “wrong” with them. Deeply relating and holding compassion for their struggles while admiring their amazing brains and strengths. I kept learning and supporting the wide range of unique and awesome and “quirky” humans work with each day. Personally, as an adult, life grew into more adulting than I could juggle gracefully. Parenting neurospicy children who aren’t broken at all… I realized I’m not “normal” either. I am AuDHD (ADHD + High masking Autistic).